!Rue Paints!

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🐛🐌🐸About me🐸🐌🐛

I'm paintpaintpaintman (also known as rue_paints and Crowe Pen)!☘️ Artist! ⭐ 21 wacky years old ⭐ Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder ⭐ Transgender man (he/him) ⭐ Epileptic ☘️


☆Art (of course!)☆
☆Sky: Children of the Light☆
☆Cult of the Lamb☆
☆LGBTQ+ books☆


✖ Real pictures of blood/gore ✖
✖ Flashing lights (epileptic) ✖
✖ Implications of physical/verbal abuse ✖
✖ Comparing artists to each other ✖
✖ Unsolicited advice/critique ✖

Dissociative Identity Disorder disclaimer

‼️I am a system‼️

Nearing 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. It is an extremely difficult disorder to have, and is caused by repeated trauma throughout childhood. To put it simply, it is fragmentation of the brain's functions of memory in order to survive extremely harsh environments and situations. The compartmentalized memories form into their own identities the more often each compartment stores information. That is a very basic definition. To say I am sensitive is an understatement, as each identity has their own list of triggers.However, some of my alters are very open about being alters, and would like to share their names here as co-creators of my work. Here are some of our 15+ member system:

Farren- he/him, protector (previously persecutor), married to Thaddeus (2/11/2022)
Thaddeus- he/him, married to Farren (2/11/2022)
Sunny- she/her
Lamar- he/him, fictive
Haydenlady- she/her
Rueben- he/him, host, in relationship with unnamed alter (Dec. 2023 to current)

Important side note: our system includes children identities. We have a specific protector alter who cares for these alters, but there are instances these alters are triggered and front. I would like to specify that these alters do not have access to the internet and will remain nameless for privacy reasons. Targeted attacks at children alters will result in further action as it may be considered Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED).

🚧Work in progress🚧(don't worry, I'll get around to it eventually..? just DM me on any platform until then!)

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